Intellectual Property Services

Our discerning, perfect, and dedicated services for IPR in India, cover all diverse categories of intellectual property. The sumptuous commercial and industrial intellectual property is broadly divided into the major categories of copyrights, trademarks, patents, industrial designs, and geographical indications.

Trademark Renewal

Trademark Renewal

  • Overview
  • Why Taxcomate
  • Process
Trademark Renewal mean extend the term period of trade mark registration by filing TM-12 with the prescribed fee. We renew the trade mark from time to time for an unlimited time period. Trade Mark renewal term is for a period of 10 years. Trade Mark can be renewed in India for unlimited period provided renewal fees are being paid on timely basis. Each Trade Mark renewal is valid for 10 years. If person fails to renew the Trade Mark then the mark becomes liable to remove. Therefore, renewal on time to time basis very important especially when there is portfolio of Trademarks needs to be managed and there could be serious irreparable repercussion if one fails to meet the timeline. Therefore, Trade Mark renewal is the core part of Trade Mark Management because Trade Mark is graphical presentation and Identity of business needed to be protected from infringement. Trade Mark Renewal request can be filed within six months before expiry of Registration or renewal. Even, before the expiry of the last registration of a trade mark the Registrar shall send the notice as a reminder to the registered trade mark owner regarding expiration and the conditions as to the payment of fees and, if the registration has not been obtained as per the prescribed conditions then the Registrar may remove the Trade Mark from the Trade Mark register. But, don’t worry Trade Mark renewal request can also be filed within six months after the expiry of registration or renewal as the case may be in the prescribed manner along with late filing fees. Trade Mark Renewal can be in two ways:
  1. One can apply renewal to change in any sign or words in the existing trade mark; or
  2. One can apply renewal without any change.
Process and Renewal Forms:
  1. Application of renewal shall be made in form TM-12

Frequently Asked Questions

A trademark is for your brand name or logo which identifies your product or services. It can be a word, letter, number, phrase, symbol, shape or combination thereof. A unique brand name or logo is used to differentiate your product/service as distinct from others in the industry. To secure legal protection for your brand name or logo you need to get it registered. On receiving ™ Application number you can start using ™ .

Proprietorships are not regulated by any particular Act, hence there is no registration. Every buiness needs registration under Shop & Establishment Act whether it is providing a service or dealing in goods. Other registrations such as GST etc depend upon nature of product/service.


Any trademark, which is identical or deceptively similar to an existing registered trademark or trademark for which application for registration has been made, cannot be registered. Also trademark that would likely cause deception or confusion or is offensive may not be registered. Geographical names, common names, common trade words and common abbreviation can also not be registered as a trademark.

Getting trademark registered has a number of business benefits such as
• Register your brand to get exclusive right on it.
• Protect your brand like other assets and belongings of your company.

• It will help you to protect your hard earn goodwill in business.

• You can stop others from promoting same brand in same industry of business.

• It will give you nation-wide protection for your trade.

The Nice Classification (NCL) is an international system used to classify goods and services for the purposes of the registration of marks. It has total 45 classes (1-34 for products and 35-45 for services).

Yes, one can register a trademark before even starting a business.

No. Trademark is territorial in nature that means if you get trademark in India then it will be valid for India only.

The registered trademark is valid for 10 years from the date of filing of application. The trademark can be renewed further.

1.Required Documents for Trademark Renewal

  1. Authorization documents

2. Services Covered

  1. Online Filing of ONE trademark renewal application
  2. Drafting of the renewal form
  3. Documented Follow-up
  4. Business hours Support

3. Who Should Buy

  • Trademark holders who need their trademark renewed and asssistance in drafting the renewal form and renewal related procedures



For All Registered Entities Fees:

Rs.  9000/- Statutory Fees per Mark and Class

Rs.   300/- Stamp Duty for TM-48 (Power of Attorney).

Rs.  9300/- Total Statutory Fees per Mark and Class

Lets see the process

Form fillup

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Purchase plan

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Task Completion

Trademark Renewal


There is an extensive range of services for each of these categories; that start from the very beginning of a creation to perfect registration and well-rounded protection to the same, in the desired national or international jurisdictions. These all categories of intellectual property are considered as the lifeblood of businesses in the respective fields, and therefore, require scrupulous and flawless handling from beginning to the end. 

Protect your BRAND


Protection provided for

Any word, logo, symbol, mark, phrase that distinguishes goods of one party from another.

Novel works of authorship, such as books, articles, songs, photographs, sculptures, choreography, sound recordings, motion pictures etc.

Inventions, such as processes, machines, manufactures, compositions of matter as well as improvements to these.

Features of shape, configuration, pattern, ornament, composition of lines, color or combination thereof applied to any article.

Requirements for registration

The mark shall be unique.

The work must be original, creative and should be capable of fixing in the tangible form.

An invention must be new, useful and non-obvious

The design must be original and should be applied to the article by any industrial process.

Duration of Protection

For 10 years

Author’s life plus 70 more years.

For 20 years.

For 10 years.

Rights granted

Rights to use the mark and prevent any third person from using the deceptively similar mark.

Right to control the reproduction, making of derivative works, distribution and public performance and display of the copyrighted works.

Right to prevent others from making, selling using or importing the patented invention.

Provides the creator, exclusive rights over use of the design.

Who can obtain?

Business owners or the product owners.

Authors, artists, choreographers, architects, and other creative professionals.

Inventors and designers.

Designers or the owners of the product.